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Like you, we know strong schools mean strong communities. Working together, we support passing school constructions bonds and levies. Together, your support and YES votes on past and future school funding ballot issues will renew local funding for local schools, continuing full and rich education in safe, secure, and well maintained schools –– what we all want for our students. Join the Yes! team. Click here.
Sonia Slegel-Vexler
Committee Chair

Bill Bond
Committee Vice-Chair

Candace McKenna

Bill Fulton

Susan Cedergreen
Committee member

Justin Fox-Bailey
Committee member

Mary Waggoner
Committee member
Is the district paying for an election campaign about school taxes?
No. It is the district’s responsibility to make factual information available to the community – about district services, operational needs and any proposed ballot issues. However, the district may not, by law, use any publicly-funded, school district funds or facilities to advocate how you vote on any candidate or ballot measure.
The campaign committee advocating your support for school district levies is run by volunteer community members and funded by donations. The committee name is YesSnohomish! District information is clearly labeled as coming from the district. Campaign materials are clearly labeled as coming from the campaign.

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